Mu2e is an experiment being mounted at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab). Its goal is the search for the conversion to an electron of a muon that has been captured by an aluminum nucleus. While effectively forbidden by the Standard Model of particle physics, this conversion is a virtually universal features of models beyond that.
The UC Davis group is primarily focused on the challenging beam delivery for the experiment. We are:
- Prof. Eric Prebys: Principal Investigator
- Founding member of collaboration
- Developer of "extinction" system for eliminating out-of-time beam
- Dr. Sridhar Tripathy: Postdoc
- Working on modeling for shielding assessment.
- Investigating methods of energy calibration.
- Keegan Harrig: Graduate student
- Modeling of bunch formation in the Fermilab Recycler
- Measurement and qualification of ferrite for the AC Dipole deflector magnets
- Ryan Hensley: Graduate student
- Development of control system for AC dipole deflectors.
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